Friday 4th November
Began by having a production lesson with Becca where we took part in doing student surveys for our college. After this session we did our usual drama warm up t get us focused and prepared as well as to build an awareness of our bodies. Next we did a mime based on cleaning our teeth/morning routine in the bathroom which was kind of weird for me as I do my morning routine in a specific way and then having to mime it differently was strange for me. We then did another short exercise with the theme of comedy, my partner Brad and I decided to do the piece on a rude waiter and a customer, kind of like the piece I did with Caliyah except different as my characters and Brads got into a fight but we developed it to kind of be like a Tom and Jerry fight where one of us gets punched in the face and then imaginary birds would fly around the head of the person that was punched.
Tuesday 8th November
Due to our piece being what our Drama teacher, Rob wanted we decided to do a script with pictures on our play. In Mandy's lesson we recapped a dance we did before the half term which I enjoyed as I like dance, next we had Beccas production lyrics which I missed out due to a orthodontist appointment.
Thursday 10th November
Our Drama lesson was cancelled today as Rob had a appointment he had attend to.
Friday 11th November
Thursday 17th November
Drama began with our usual warm up which began with us walking around a room and then we advanced it by if we walk into something either turn left or right, next we did script work again where me and my partner Jordan based the scene on two friends, boy and girl and the boy is madly in love with the girl and the girl is getting married for the third time as the boy killed her last two husbands to be with her on her, on the day of her marriage he confesses that he killed them to her and that shes going to be with her forever.
Friday 18th November
We mainly worked on our blogs in production class and then I continued on my poster, for drama I got to go on lunch a bit earlier as our teacher was filming another group for our drama group.
Monday 21st November
Worked on improving and updating my blog, next I had drama where I didn't have to go to the lesson due to everyone doing their filming.
Tuesday 22nd November
In drama, we had the task of getting into partners and to tell our partners about our morning until we got to school, next our partners do the same thing by telling us their morning in the space of 1 minute. After both partners told each other their stories we had to fine new partners and tell them their previous partners story. After we got into new partners and then got into larger groups of 4 and 5, as before we had to tell everyone the stories that we had heard, then to create a silent piece of acting, my group and I decided to do the piece base on my morning. In Mandy's lesson we started the lesson off with a full body warm up to relax our bodies as well as to improve our movement capability. Next we moved onto improving certain dance moves we had been working on before, afterwards we had to perform this to the class. In our production lesson we worked more on the posters that we had created for our concert, I decided to complete the whole concert which was a success involving positive feedback from my group and other groups.
Thursday 24th November
In Drama we continued on our Silent Movie Project by working and recapping ourselves on our scenarios when we then had to go the music room and meet with the music group to start creating background music for our pieces. I found this really helpful as it showed me the timing of the music for different movement
Friday 25th November
We had a choice on whether to work on our posters or continue with blog so I decided to continue with my blog as I was a little bit behind. In drama we got into small groups and began doing some improvisation exercise's such as 'Postcard' where we were given a country and had to create a still image based around the countries famous features. Next we moved onto trying to recreate scenes from famous films such as the Godfather and Avatar and Star Wars and used to portray scenes.
Monday 28th November
In Blog we focused on refreshing them for what we've done so far as well as completing more tests on PropPortal for our person achievements page. In Drama I did have a lesson as one of three silent movie groups including my group was recording so we didn't have a lesson so instead I went home.
Tuesday 29th November
In Drama we started the lesson with a vocal warm up involving the repetition of the letters C, G, L, N, D, T, M, P, B and then BAH, this activity would then improve our speech confidence and pronunciation, we also kept a low constant hum which helped us clear our diaphragm. After completing our vocal and bodily warm up we moved onto doing an activity where it was based in an art gallery and there was two people playing 2 spies and they had to make contact before a police officer had to try and see who the spies is and to catch them before the spies make contact. The next activity we had to do was based at an Awards Ceremony and we were given a card rated from 1 to 7 (e.g. 1 being the highest and would be the highest paid actor or actress and anything from 5 to 7 was an ace or an waiter) I had the card numbered 4 so I acted very nice towards everyone in their role. Finally the last activity we did involved a table, chair and a water bottle and we had to arrange it so the water bottle was the highest, after we had to arrange it so ourselves was the most important thing or the main focus. In Mandy's lesson we started an activity that involved doing exercises from a white board i.e. 1. Run, 2. Walk etc, this helped to warm up our bodies as well to increase our movement capability in our bodies which was then followed up with more activities and the lesson. Next we moved onto doing full complete body warm up which constituted of different stretches and different core strengths exercises. After doing the warm up we went into groups and started working on creating a new walking piece which we has to complete as one big group as well as everyone in the class, after presenting it we separated we had to adapt it and include new movements to the walking sequence that went along with the beat. In Beccas production lesson we were allowed to go early as we did not have a lesson for that day.