Thursday 1 December 2016


Thursday 1st December

For this drama lesson I wasn't in as I had a medical appointment.

Friday 2nd December

I began the day with some blog and then we went to drama where we started with some vocal and body warm up which we do every lesson, after the warm up we moved onto a exercise involving different lines for example we would say a few lines and then involve that chosen sentence or finish it or start it with that line.

 Monday 5th December

We updated our blogs as well on things we did the previous week, next in the pastoral lesson we continued on our blogs which we did in the previous lesson whereas some had to speak to our teacher about our academical choices for next year.

Tuesday 6th December

We watched a Peter Pan pantomime done by the Level 3 drama group, the performance itself was amazing I liked how they customize it to make it a drama as well as a comedy but to also keep to the main story of it. My favourite character in this version was Tinkerbell as she portrayed a lot of body movement as well as Mr Smee was a very comedic character who would make me laugh with doing the smallest thing but would exaggerate it to be funny.

Friday 9th December

We had to complete the rest of our blogs from the term of 2016 before we moved onto our next unit/project.

*Christmas Holidays*